RFID Gestionale
AYE-D.NET Equipment inspection - digital, simple, brilliant

The expandable AYE-D.NET software application helps you manage and document your components.
- Uncomplicated digital maintenance, analysis, administration of product data, test reports, as well as documents (allows for more efficient testing, maintaining and generating of test reports according to the law’s testing re-quirements) automatic test reminder in addition to the by law required test, auto-matic test reports).
- Digital connection to current product information and documents (f.e. test reports) with access to the RUD web portal.
- Extendable software for different work equipment which has to be inspected regularly (such as sling and lashing systems, but also working platforms, roller doors etc.)
The AYE-D.NET software is based on the innovation award winning RUD-ID-NET system, which was developed over a long period of time and in close cooperation with customers. Deutsche Telekom and RUD jointly founded the systems company SYFIT GmbH.
This pooling of skills underpins the commitment of both companies to continue promoting innovations for further potential savings and leaner processes for checking the documentation of operating and work equipment with AYE-D.NET.
For further information to AYE-D.NET, please visit: AYE-D.NET Equipment inspection