Sustainable management of the environment
Setting a clear example within our branch of the industry
What are we doing at RUD to keep the "Schwarze Kocher" clean?
- Active implementation of measures from the Kocher restoration plan (e.g. annual introduction of roughly 200 trout)
- No discharge of treated industrial waste water into the Kocher
- Discharge of cooling water from a single cooling unit only in adherence with the strict stipulations of the relevant existing discharge permit
- Observance of maximum temperature limits and other parameters concerning water
- Discharge of cooling water only from secondary circuits i.e. the water does not come into contact with machine oil etc.
- No addition of treatment chemicals to the cooling water
Our efforts to combine quality and environment have a long tradition. RUD was founded in1875 as a "factory in the countryside". Since 1898, our company location has been known as "Friedensinsel" (Island of Peace), a place of reconciliation between technology and nature, and of social partnership.
This tradition was followed successfully in 2001 by certification as the first chain producer with an integrated quality and environment management system according to ISO 9001 / 14001. It is also in full accordance with our Mission Statement, to achieve continuing growth while taking into account the careful treatment of natural resources and of our environment.
With our environmental policy we commit ourselves, in particular, to the following points:
- Maintaining the relevant legal regulations and rules and adhering to the maxim of continual improvement.
- Evaluation of our environmental aspects
- Efficient use of resources
- Reduction of waste and waste water, as well as emissions
- Training of personnel with regard to environmental issues
- Implementation emergency contingency plans and hazard prevention measures in order to foresee and avert to safety risks.
- Involvement of suppliers and service providers working on our company premises form for external companies

Within the framework of our environment management system we evaluate aspects such as auxiliary and operating materials, the use of resources, waste disposal, waste water and cooling water, exhaust air, noise and soil protection. With the help of an in-plant identification code, these aspects are made transparent and can be compared. This enables us to use the evaluations to filter out significant environmental aspects and channel them into a detailed environment-friendly plan.
Certificate our efforts are audited regularly by the TÜV and are confirmed and documented by means of the certificates issued.
We also have the qualification of a specialist company according to §191 of the Water Resources Act.
RUD works fire brigade

We are especially proud of our RUD works fire brigade, which has been officially approved by the authorities for in excess of 45 years, without gaps, and has been most successful in hazard prevention and emergency measures. We maintain close contacts with the local volunteer fire brigadeslocal volunteer fire brigades.
- Upkeep of plants, especially of trees, along the river banks. Their shade reduces the warming effect of the sun’s rays on the Schwarze Kocher!
- Extensive protective measures during production, clear guidelines regarding the transportation of water polluting substances on the premises. Standby of the RUD works fire brigade so that, in the event of an incident, the risk of pollution reaching the river can be kept to a minimum.
The company site was honoured with the Gold Medal in the 1968 German National “Industry in the Landscape” Competition by Baron Lennart Bernadotte. These past honours continue to inspire and motivate usin the current and future landscaping of our company grounds.
We rejuvenate and afforest the trees and bushes every year. In the last two years, 2012 and 2013, over 150 new trees and bushes were planted. One of our priorities is to preserve the existing mix of vegetation and diversity, to prevent a monoculture occurring. When planting new vegetation, we have always and continue to plant a range of varieties, such as beech hedges, Serbian spruces, plane trees, cherry laurels, yews, cornels and shrubby cinquefoil. That balances some of the CO2 emissions which are an inevitable by product of our industrial activities.
Our certified, integrated quality and management system ISO 9001 / 14001 is the instrument that implements our guideline standards:
- Adherence to the law
- Economic efficiency
- Sustainability