Training Center CCK
Center for Chain Knowledge
The RUD Center for Chain Knowledge (CCK) follows our Mission Statement.
In particular, it is:
- a first-class training and schooling institution for all employees of the RUD Group, for potential future employees (mainly college and university students) and for our business partners - to keep them up-to-date with technical „Chain Knowledge“ in the broadest sense.
- a modern, interactive forum for exchange of know-how and experience concerning our core competences for technicians and engineers at RUD, selected partners and external experts in theory and practice. Proven and latest technical processes as well as developments are our main focus.
- professional management of knowledge, which means responsible distribution and responsible dealing with „Chain Knowledge“ as well as with the knowledge and the experience of the core competences of RUD.
- the use of highly modern web conference systems allows us to communicate effectively with our subsidiaries and partners around the world. This helps us share our knowledge and experience within the RUD Group with our partners, maximising our mutual benefit.
Definition of Chain Knowledge

"Chain Knowledge" is the main focus of the RUD Center for Chain Knowledge (CCK).
In particular, it is defined as:
Know How which is essential for a continuous profit-oriented growth and the successful further development of the RUD Group. The main focus lies on technical know-how for development, production and application of our products, namely future oriented solutions with chain systems and components in various forms and for multiple use, based on the round steel chain. Specifically, these are developments in the material area, and other basic innovations as well as possible application techniques general processes (core competences) for the production of our products forming welding heat treatment surface technology forging machining
Specifically, these are
- developments in the material area, and other basic innovations as well as possible application techniques
- general processes (core competences) for the production of our products
- forming
- welding
- heat treatment
- surface technology
- forging
- machining
Our high quality demand
We guarantee a first-class quality level in our RUD Center for Chain Knowledge (CCK) as our germ cell of the knowledge:
- a group of carefully selected, competent and committed persons of the RUD management and other external institutions is actively and continuously working on an ideal and practice-oriented realization of our CCK intention.
- the CCK cooperates with suitable and selected universities and other research and educational institutions which actively participate in the offered program.
- the use of highly modern web conference systems allows us to communicate effectively with our subsidiaries and partners around the world. This helps us share our knowledge and experience within the RUD Group with our partners, maximising our mutual benefit.