RUD conveyor technology - COCKPIT service
RUD COCKPIT - Measure, observe & improve your operations.
Connect your conveyors to the RUD COCKPIT and profit from our experiences. Analyze the availability of your conveyor.
Areas of application of the RUD COCKPIT service:
• Vertical Conveyors (e.g. bucket elevators)
• Horizontal Conveyors (e.g. scraper conveyors for de-ashing or other applications)
• Analysation of critical operating conditions = transparency!
• Knowledge based consultancy for conveyors
• Fact based budget planning
Get information about:
1. Speed analysis / Operation hours
(Provides information about the speed and the operating hours of the machine)
2. Chain life forecast based on RUD model
(Collect relevant informations)
3. Supervision of chain fracture
This sensor signalized if the tensioning shaft does not rotate)
4. Chain wear maesurment at on chain loop/ Chute elongation analysis
(Collect information about the residual tensioning distance)
5. Chain travel analyses
(Detect up climbing chain links)
6. Power analyses (hydraulic power only in a first step)
(Collects information about the power consumtion of the machine)
7. Temperature sensor
(Detects the temperature)
8. Overfilling of the discharge chute
(Collect signals caused by overfilling of the machine)
9. SOI detects fix seated submerged idlers
(These sensors signalized if the submerged idler do not rotate)
RUD COCKPIT | Your benefits at a glance
Connect your conveyors to the RUD Cockpit and profit from our experiences. Analyze the availability of your conveyor.
• Automated, continuous measuring
• No stops of the conveyor neccessary. No loss in production!
• Real time data. Validated information on every moment
• Fact based budget planning possible.
• Availability of data at all mobile devices for quick decisions.
• Web-based access to your data, no download of an App
• Permanent availability of the data through cloud application
• Core function is independent useability on any type of conveyor · Safe access with personalised password
The RUD COCKPIT is able to:
• detect dangerous operating conditions (e.g. undue heat, over-filled chutes, unusual speeds, fixed seated idlers, tensioning distance consumed, etc.).
• Provides a prognostic of residual life time of the chain equipment (basic package 1) or provides a real time chain elongation in percentages (basic package 2).
• Supports predictive maintenance approaches and planning of services.
• Allows a conclusion why the lifetime of a chain equipment is reduced (due to various speeds, fixed seated idlers, etc.).